Strines and Bradfield Day Walk

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Lowland and Hill Walks
Mar 02

8 people attending

17 places left

Your price
Event difficulty background shape EventDifficulty
Easy Moderate Very Hard
20Km (12.5 miles)

The walk begins at Strines Ridge just to the West of Sheffield and on the Eastern edge of the Peak District National Park. From here we will follow a bridle path through the woods, ascending gently to Bradfield Gate and Back Tor, an interesting rock formation with stunning views of the Upper Derwent Valley and Ladybower. The route then follows the footpath along Cartledge Stones Ridge and Bradfield Moor where we will stop for lunch before descending to Agden reservoir and the village of high Bradfield. From Bradfield we will follow the bridleway through the valley, passing Dale Dike Reservoir before returning to Strines. We may call in at the Strines Inn for a drink after the walk.

IMPORTANT! - Participation Statement

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Image credits: all images provided by the event leader  OutdoorLads has permission to use them.