Coastal walk in East Yorkshire

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Lowland and Hill Walks
May 25

10 people attending

10 places left

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Easy Moderate Very Hard
The walk is about 4 miles each way, so 8 miles in total and fairly flat.

Spurn point is what geologists call a 'spit', formed from the movement of sand and rocks down the coast by the tide over many years. This has resulted in a peninsula jutting out into the Humber estuary offering fantastic panoramic views across the north sea, mouth of the Humber, Northern Lincolnshire and west up the Humber estuary.

We'll take a walk out and back along the peninsula, which is a Yorkshire Wildlife Trust nature reserve. In addition to the wildlife, throughout the walk we'll see reminders of the impact that WWII had on the area (e.g. tank traps, ruins of buildings, anti-aircraft gun mountings).

Those of you who wish can visit the Easington Lighthouse (the tallest in Northern England) if it is open on the day. Access to the ground floor is free but entry to the upper levels is £4 adult/£3 concessions. Please see the website for further details.

Continuing on, we'll go past the RNLI station houses and boat launch which, sadly after 213 years of sea rescues, closed this year. Toward the end of the peninsula we'll see the ruins of Spurn Point gun batteries and other defence-related structures.

There is a visitor centre and cafe near the car park, which has toilet facilities.

Unfortunately, dogs are not allowed on the parts of the reserve that we will be accessing.


There is a section of the spit which is washed over at high tide. On the 25th May 2024 high tide is at 07:22 BST and 19:44 BST. Low tide is at 13:35. This should give us plenty of time to walk to the end of the spit and back with time for a few stops.

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Image credits: all images provided by event Leader. OutdoorLads has permission to use them.